On-track COVID-19 Important Update

Since the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global emergency back on 30 January 2020, On-track Technology took initial precautionary measures to self-quarantine for 14 days any employee who have recently travelled to overseas and/or exhibiting any flu like symptoms, as recommended by NSW Health. These precautionary measures were introduced to reduce any unnecessary risks of COVID-19 transmission to our staff and customers in our workplace.

As the WHO on 11 March 2020 declaring COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, On-track Technology was quick to implement all measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission to our employee and customers in compliance with all COVID-19 requirements as set out by the NSW Government and NSW Health.

When the Australian Federal Government on 24 March 2020, declared closures of all non-essential businesses, many of our customers were defined under the Essential Services Act 1988, as an Essential Service and requested us to remain open for business throughout these community and business restrictions until advised otherwise by the NSW Government. On-track Technology supported all our customers, especially our Essential Services, and continued to operate in these challenging times to provide our manufacturing services throughout the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

The emergence of the global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ways we go about our daily lives and how we work in the foreseeable future. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, On-track Technology highest priority is focused on keeping all our employee and customers safe from COVID-19 while we continue to provide manufacturing services to our customers.

To date, On-track Technology have taken the following strict measures in our manufacturing facility to maintain the safety of our staff and customers,

  1. Keeping social distancing rule, of 1.5m apart from others at all time.

  2. Limiting the number of staff working in each manufacturing areas, to a maximum of one person per 4sqm rule.

  3. Monitoring the health of our staff with daily temperature checks upon entering our manufacturing facility and during the day.

  4. Staff must wear a suitable face mask at all time while in our manufacturing facility to help prevent any possible transmission from anyone who may be asymptomatic.

  5. Staff showing any signs of flu like symptoms, or high fever and/or recently travelled overseas to immediately self-isolate for 14 days at home and seek medical attention/clearance before returning to work.

  6. Staff must sanitise their hands regularly during the day with designated hand sanitiser especially before entering our manufacturing facility.

  7. On-track Technology will perform more frequent daily cleaning and sanitisation of high contact surface areas in our facility.

  8. All visitors and non-essential people at this time is not permitted in our manufacturing facility.

  9. All incoming goods and deliveries will be received outside by our staff and all deliveries will be sanitised before being taken into our manufacturing facility.

Thank you for your understanding and support. As part of our community, please join us in reducing the impact of COVID-19 on our community.


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